Seattle June 17, 2008 | press | advertise | about us | favorites | moms groups |
Today's lesson: your introduction to an exciting new family band. Meet The Board of Education, whose first cd is about to be released. The Board appeals to all ages. As songwriter and singer Kevin Emerson explains, "There's no saccharine. The music's super-energetic, with a solidly vintage vibe, like Schoolhouse Rock." The Board of Education is Emerson, Jeff Blancato, Eric Goetz, and Andrea Wittgens; you may recognize this quartet by their alter ego band, Central Services. The
catchy, peppy tunes of Central Services have graced the airwaves of KEXP
and NPR and lit up the stage at Bumbershoot. The Board of Education assembly
focuses on kids' music.Their witty debut cd follows a school day, complete
with songs about waking up, the number eight ("When eight takes a
nap, that's infinity!"), and what happens when a tomato finds out
it's a fruit. Warning: these tunes will stick in your head, and suddenly
you'll know all about the inventor of pavement, and exactly how much fun
can be had during an ice age. Writing songs for kids is natural for Emerson,
who is a former elementary school science teacher, dad to an energetic
almost-three-year-old, tutor at 826 Seattle, and author of kids' books
--we'll keep you posted when the first two in his Seattle-set series come
out later this summer. � PS
--The Board of Education cd is planned for a September release, but you
can score a pre-release copy at a free show during Experience
Music Project/Science Fiction Museum's Family Days this Saturday!
Details below.
Other tidbits.....
Shop Talk: New stores abound on the Eatside. Read more. Kid-Friendly Wallingford and Phinney Ridge: These famiyl- friendly 'hoods in the heart of Seattle offer good eats, great shopping and cool activities. Read more. Ice
Cream, You Scream: Check out our picks for the best ice cream and
frozen yogurt. Read
More. Street Smarts: Oodles of kids classes at your fingertips. Read more.
New Stories We're Working On: Train
Spotting: Best Places to check out choo choos in Seattle and the Eastside. Got a hot tip for either story? Send it our way.
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