Traveler, mom,
and sometimes Red Tricycle contributor Sarah Franklin
put together a book that we think everyone needs to read
for inspiration before departing on summer vacation with
the kiddos. How to Fit a Car Seat on a Camel: and Other
Misadventures Traveling with Kids (Seal Press/May 2008/$15.95)
tracks the travel tales of thirty-six women and their little
ones around the world. From Disney Land to Europe to Graceland,
How to Fit a Car Seat on a Camel is full of cringe-worthy
moments--lugging a toddler's entire wardrobe to Brussels--and
laugh-out-loud mishaps--just what do twin toddlers get up
to on a thirty-nine foot sailboat? Whatever you're going
through aboard planes, trains, and automobiles, you've found
a great read that will let you know we're all in this together.
No big travel
plans this summer? We've also discovered a book that's all
about how to
fill your baby-raising everyday lives with fun. Self-professed
"geeky girls" and minds behind,
Heather Flett and Whitney Moss compiled The Rookie Mom's
Handbook: 250 Activities to Do with (and Without!) your
Baby, based on their popular website content (our go-to
guide during Baby's first months). The book is filled with
playful and useful tidbits (sized so that new moms can read
them during, say, a 3 a.m. feeding) for what do to with
little ones from zero to twelve months. We love the guide's
focus on maintaining your womanhood once you've entered
motherhood. Should be required reading for all PEPS/new
moms groups.
to Fit a Car Seat on a Camel: and Other Misadventures Traveling
with Kids
Seal Press/May 2008/$15.95
Rookie Mom's Handbook: 250 Activities to Do with (and Without!)
your Baby
Quirk Books/May 2008/$14.95
To order,
Elliot Bay Books, 206-624-6600 (or your favorite local bookstore)
What a Ride!:
Merry Go Round has been a one-stop shop for all things
baby & child for over 50 years...
Get Ready to Tumble:
The Bus Stop, a large playspace with a school bus
theme and gorgeous murals of Northwest...
Other tidbits....
Scoop: We were stunned when, new to Seattle, we ventured
to the Skagit Valley strawberry fields with Little One and
tried our first fresh, local berries. Read
to the Playhouse: Excited parents, caregivers and kiddos
have been peeking through a Greenwood Ave window for weeks;
they're drawn by the orange, purple and green decor.
Read more.
Spring Day Trips:
Itching for a road trip? Check out our picks for the best
Spring Day trips, including the Tulip Festival insider tips...
and Eastside Neighborhood Round-Ups: You're getting
a little stir-crazy at home and have logged myriad hours
at the tugboat at Bellevue Square? Why not explore some
of the kid-friendly shops, acitivites and restaurants in
a neighborhood near you? Read
Cool: It just got a bit easier to be green. Meet your
friends in the fight to help our hot planet. Read
the Bag: Ahh, the Mama Shuffle. That dance we do to
make sure we've got all of baby's accessories in tow. Not
to mention the cell phone, wallet, keys, and sunglasses.