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Sarah F. - Redmond

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Operation: Exploration

At University Child Development School, kids are respected as learners who investigate, and who thrive on discovery. UCDS (a pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade elementary school) doesn't have one curriculum that is recycled year after year; their curricula is continually re-created. Students of multiple ages are grouped in classes —with a beat-all ratio of seventeen students to two teachers —who work together in skill-level groups, and individually, to learn in a hands-on model.

UCDS teachers have a major goal: to individualize their subject matter so that each child succeeds in understanding. Every student is exposed to traditional subjects and to specialist who teach art, technology, science, Spanish, music, and PE. UCDS focuses on the child's point of view, right down to the stunning architecture: the school is housed in a twisty, maze-like building that was build to enhance a child's perspective of discovery. The library is a gathering place with resources —books and computers with printers —available to parents and students alike. The school as a whole gathers for celebrations, plays, and sing-alongs, and all levels work around a year-long theme, such as 2007 -2008's "Layers." Community is a focus and a strength at UCDS, both within the school and into the city at large.

Explore UCDS by signing up online for a scheduled tour, and look for information about the summer program, which is open to the wider community (ages three through twelve years).

University Child Development School
5062 9th Ave. NE
206.547.UCDS (8237)