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Seattle Post Intelligencer April 2006

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Sarah F. - Redmond

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ABC's, 123's and Fun, Fun, Fun!

On the hunt forgreat childcare? Not in love with how your kids spend their after-school time? Check out Seattle�s Community Day School Association programs, and be impressed. �Part of the mission of CDSA is simply to provide really high-quality childcare in the school-age and the pre-school arena, where it�s most needed,� says Executive Director Caryn Swan Jamero. CDSA has been going strong for more than thirty years, and has sites in nine neighborhoods. The teachers (some of whom are bilingual) are enthusiastic about providing students with engaging activities in a home-like environment. With their commitment to affordable options, you can find a plan that fits your family. CSDA programs run year-round, and won�t strand you on public school early-dismissal days, no-school days, or breaks. CDSA knows that kids often respond to the question �What did you do today?� with a big blank stare, so they excel in keeping parents informed of daily activity. View the video on their web site to see the programs in action, including an exciting drum lesson, and hear feedback from families. One parent says, �The days that the kids aren�t here, they�re really, actually sad.� Don�t worry, Kids: Monday�s coming!

Community Day School Association
Sites in Beacon Hill, Hawthorne, Highland Park,
Kimball, Leschi, Madrona, Maple, Montlake, and Sanislo
