Out and Play
We're all atwitter with thoughts
of four-leaf clovers, potatoes, and leprechauns; get your Irish eyes smiling
with seasonal Irish soda bread from Essential
Bakery Cafe
We weren't kidding when we
said it was preschool sale season! There's the Magnolia Cooperative Preschool
sale at Magnolia United Church of Christ (3555 W McGraw St.) on Saturday
from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., the 65th
St Coop sale from 10 - 2 and the massive Snohomish
Mothers of Multiples Sale at Lynnnwod High (across from Alderwood
Mall) from at 8:30 am. - 12 pm. Score awesome deals on gently-used clothing,
toys, and baby gear.
PS If you want to get
an early jump (or should we say 'hop'?) on Egg Hunt Mania, ToysRUs is
kickin' off the first one of season on Saturday from Noon - 2 p.m. with
the Nickelodeon Egg Hunt (most others are scheduled for next weekend).
Ages 3-12 are invited to enjoy giveaways and games, as well as a chance
to win some nifty prizes, including a V-Tech Whiz Kid Learning System.
Northgate and Bellevue stores are participating. Get crackin'.
Better Than TV
A Year with Frog and Toad at The Moore Take
a classic children's book (from author and illustrator Arnold Lobel
), add a kiddie and parent-friendly soundtrack and glorious
set design and whaddya got? A Tony-award nominated musical suitable
for the entire fam that is just the perfect anecdote for the March
mid-winter blahs...Call ahead for tickets 206.467.5510 Check out
the study guide online at
and buy at
Fri, March 14, 11 am & 5 pm, Sat, March 15, 11 am, 2 pm
& 5 pm; Sun, March 16, 11am & 2pm
1932 Second Avenue, Seattle
Artsy Fartsy
Playdate at the Henry Art Museum Our favorite
art museum is opening its mod doors to families for the day. Let
your kids ponder Maya Lin sculptures and the new Kader Attia installations
in between enjoying special treats, listening to Recess Monkey jam
in the Sculpture Court and watching eye-popping jump rope shows.
All ages welcome.
Sat., March 15,
11 am -3 p.m.
15th Ave. NE at NE 41st St.
(on the UW campus)
Holiday Hoopla
Irish Week Festival
The luck o' the Irish! Celebrate
St. Paddy, and Irish culture, with Irish music, stepdance performances,
and singing non-stop all weekend. One dance team crossed the pond
from Dublin to show Seattle their stuff! Kiddos can make beaded
pins, chenille shamrocks, shamrock garlands, necklaces, and other
crafts. On Saturday, Little One and Junior are invited to enter
the "Most Irish-Looking Face" contest; on Sunday, it's
the 'Smilingest Irish Eyes' contest. For the grownups among us,
there are genealogy workshops, Irish language workshops, a contemporary
Irish short film festival, and much more.
PS for parade details, click
Sat. - Sun., March 15 and 16,
Noon - 6 pm;
Mon., March 17, Noon - 4 p.m.
Seattle Center, Center House,
305 Harrison St.
(Lower Queen Anne)
Community Communing
Redmond Toddler Carnival It's the party of the
year for the under-five set. Crafts, cakewalk, and games! Oh, the
games. What's first? Bean bag toss? Fish pond? Basketball throw? Whichever
Little One chooses, there's likely to be a fun prize when the game
is over. Grown-ups: The raffle's for you, with chances to win gifts
from Trader Joe's, The Museum of Flight, Half-Price Books, Remlinger
Farms, and more. Celebrate the springtime!
Sat., March 15,
9 am - 2 pm
Evergreen Junior High School cafeteria,
6900 208th Ave NE
(Union Hill)
$5/family; games, two for $1; raffle, $2
Better Than TV
Cinderella at SPROUTS Children's
Theater You know the story; the evil step-sisters,
the glass slipper and the handsome prince. You'll fall in love with
the tale all over again as you watch the kiddos experience a live
performance of this timeless treasure for the first time. In case
you didn't know, princess stories are huge with the preschool set,
so call ahead for tickets. Bonus: The Small Sibling performance
is on Sunday at 1 pm Mar 16, with children under 3 welcome.
Fri. March 14, 7pm;
Sat-Sun, March 15-17, 1pm & 3pm
16587 NE 74th St.,
in Redmond Town Center
Nibble & Sip
St. Paddy's Day Brunch
We're not sure if the scrambled eggs will be green, but
we can dream. Enjoy a traditional Irish Brunch on Sunday to benefit
the Kirkland Downtown Association. Kiddos choose from their own
menu. The Wilde Rover will, of course, be going all-out on Monday
for St. Paddy, with grown-up entertainment starting at 3:30 p.m.
Popular event! Call Julie at 425.893.8766 to reserve space now.
Sun., March 16,
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Wilde Rover Irish Pub and Restaurant, 111 Central Way
Designed Delicious:
Who hasn't stood in the grocery store staring blankly at the deli
counter, thnking...
They Grow:
Time flies. All of a sudden, the baby's feet don't fit into her
jammies, your three-year-old needs a....
Other tidbits....
In Tuesday's newsletter,
we mentioned that Tiny Tots series tickets were sold out. The 2008/2009
tickets haven't gone on sales yet. Get ready to do some speed-dialing
when tickets to the uber-popular series go on sale in April.
When's the last time you had a choice between sucking on a sweet Cherryhead
candy or chewing bazooka gum? Read
to the World: We've found a fab new cure for sad walls; whimsical
paintings by Seattleite Caroline Rivera. Read
Hour You remember those first few months. You spent the wee hours
propped up in a chair because Little One finally fell asleep on your shoulder
and you were terrified to move. Read
Got a suggestion for a store, product or event? give us the scoop at
[email protected]